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2018年05月上海交通大学凯原法学院凯原国际法治与义理研究中心2018年招聘1名行政人员--PERSONAL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
2018-05-20 19:53:04 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

This Personal Executive Assistant will serve as confidant and works in partnership with the Founder and Chairman of KoGuan Center in Shanghai, providing full support to include, all professional and personal duties assigned. This full-time, multi-faceted position offers a unique window into the fast-paced organization on a global scale. The ideal candidate needs to handle duties in a smart, organized, professional, and can-do anything attitude.


招聘人数:1 名





Fresh Graduate with Law and/or Finance background or equivalent 2-3 years work experience supporting an Executive
Substantial experience in contract law and negotiating agreements a plus
Strong business acumen, judgment, emotional intelligence, and integrity
Highly self-motivated, strong self-initiative and leadership skills
Ability to self-start and work in a high-energy, collaborative, professional environment with an evolving culture as a result of continuous growth
Proven ability to keep all matters confidential
Ability to work flexible schedules


1. Support potential merger and acquisition activities, including pre-deal planning, due diligence, documentation, execution and post-deal integration
2. Coordinate with in-house counsel and outside legal resources as needed
3. Excellent writing, proofreading, project-management and research skills
4. Possibly for multiple facilities and travel in China, Asia and USA when needed


We are offering a competitive salary of RMB 25,000 to RMB 50,000 per month.


Please email applications to hr@leokoguanfoundation.org. Include: 1. Resume 2. Cover Letter 3. Photo 4. Portfolio


TEL:*; E-mail:hr@leokoguanfoundation.org





It is too late to husband when all is spent. 囊空而后节俭,为时已晚.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. 人人都把自己的错误美其名为经验。
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