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2018-08-16 01:35:38 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

IMBeR(Integrated Marine Biosphere Research:海洋生物圈整合研究)是致力于全球变化影响和人类活动压力下海洋可持续发展的国际研究计划(www.IMBeR.info)。华东师范大学与IMBeR合作,共同设立IMBeR区域项目办公室,旨在促进IMBeR科学计划和执行战略在亚太地区的推广。该办公室现公开招聘行政助理一名。











l具有较好的计算机知识,精通微软办公软件(Excel, PowerPoint, Word)









l熟悉制作编排软件,如:Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign等


  有意者请将申请材料:包括中、英文个人简历(含联系方式)以及2名推荐人信息,发送给左老师(E-mail: Fzuo@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn)。邮件标题注明:应聘岗位+毕业院校+本人姓名+91考试网。


Administrative Assistant for the IMBeR Regional Project Office - Shanghai, China

The Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) Project is an international research initiative focussed on integrated marine research towards sustainable oceans at a time of global change, for the benefit of society(www.IMBeR.info). IMBeR and the East China Normal (ECNU) jointly established a regional office, the IMBeR Regional Project Office (IMBeR RPO), to promote IMBeR in the Asia-Pacific region and support the implementation of the IMBeR Science Plan. IMBeR and ECNU are looking to appoint an enthusiastic, organised, Administrative Assistant at the IMBeR RPO located at ECNU, Shanghai, China.

Tasks include:

General office administration, including office      supplies procurement, travel arrangements and financial reimbursements

Assisting the Deputy Executive Officer of the RPO with the organization and coordination of international conferences      and meetings,      including meeting promotion, logistical arrangements, preparing meeting documents,      and report preparation

Helping to maintain the IMBeR website,      Weibo and WeChat social media sites and the contact database/mailing list

Maintaining the IMBeR publications database

Helping with the development of IMBeR communication tools (e.g. posters, presentations, brochures, etc.)

Helping the RPO to provide logistical support to the IMBeR International Project Office and Scientific Steering Committee

Basic requirements:

At least a Bachelor’s degree,      and experience in administration      and budget management

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills      (written and verbal, in both English and Chinese)

Good computer literacy with a solid knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)

Strong organizational      and planning skills and attention      to detail

Ability to be proactive, handle simultaneous      projects, work independently

Professionalism and flexibility to work overtime occasionally and      to travel if required.

Preferential requirements

·Experience or interest in marine science and global change

·Previous experience in event planning and coordination

·Experience with editing, layout and formatting of documents

·Familiarity with budget management software

·Knowledge of illustrative and editing software (e.g. Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign).

The position is initially for one year and is available immediately. The salary will be up to 100 000 CNY per year, depending on the relevant skills, knowledge, and experience that the candidate brings to the role.

To apply, send a CV and cover letter (in both English and Chinese) with contact details of two referees to Ms. Fang ZUO (fzuo@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn)

The closing date for applications is Monday,20 August 2018




Never say "die'. 永远不要说" 完了".
Love and cough cannot be hid. 爱情象咳嗽,压也压不住.
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