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2019-03-17 21:46:43 【


The UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship and Associateship is established under the UM Macao Talent Program by University of Macau (UM), which aims to provide support to inpidual faculties to sustain and strengthen their research capabilities as well as to build up areas of expertise. Two types of Postdoctoral will be centrally funded by one of the following schemes under the UM Macao Talent Program:

·         UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A)

·         UM Postdoctoral Associateship (Class B)

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Social Sciences 
Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences / State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine
State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI



-  PhD degree holders who have graduated within 2 years, or PhD students who are expected to graduate within 3 months from the application date;.

-  Applicants should have achieved outstanding academic records, including academic awards, publications etc. in his/her previous research experience; 

-  The UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A) applicants should graduate from top ranked universities or disciplines (i.e. Top 200 ranked universities listed in the THE/QS ranking, or those listed unde来源:91考试网 91ExAm.orgr the Double First-Class Initiatives and Programs in Mainland China). 


-  Whether applicants will be awarded as Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A) or Postdoctoral Associateship (Class B) is subject to the final decision by the UM Selection Panel. 


Duration and Amount:

UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A)

- Monthly remuneration of MOP40,000 (taxable);

- Annual conference/research travel allowance up to MOP20,000;

- Maximum contract period of 2 years.


UM Postdoctoral Associateship (Class B)

- Monthly remuneration of MOP28,000 (taxable);

- Annual conference/research travel allowance up to MOP14,000;

- Maximum contract period of 2 years.



-  On campus accommodation will be available at own expense. 

-  Working permit must be obtained for non-local resident before commence their duties. 


Application Procedures and Deadline

Applicants should visit https://career.admo.um.edu.mo for more details, and apply ONLINE on or before the below deadlines:

-  1st batch: on or before 15/02/2019

-  2nd batch: on or before 15/05/2019



Applicants MUST indicate the full name of the Postdoctoral Research Advisor (UM Faculty member) and the Faculty/Institute that he/she has contacted in Part VI) Additional Information in the application system.


For any enquiries, please contact Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office at rskto@um.edu.mo. Website: https://www.um.edu.mo/research/. Tel: +853 8822 4388 / 8822 4389.

University of Macau, Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China

*Personal data provided by applicants will be kept confidential and used for recruitment purpose only* 
**Under the equal condition of qualifications and experience, priority will be given to Macao permanent residents**


Face the fearful with no fears, and its fearfulness dissapears. 见怪不怪,其怪自败。
Fame like a river is narroest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉象条河,源头最狭窄,愈流愈宽阔.
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