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2019-05-14 10:34:01 【




About SCUPI:

As the realization of a new archetype involving institute-scale, collaborative entities developed by leading universities in the U.S. and China, the Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute is an academic entity jointly established by Sichuan University (SCU) and the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). The institute is one of five large-scale partnerships between an American university and a top-rate Chinese university. Having matriculated its first group of 100 freshmen in the fall of 2015, SCUPI now enrolls around 650 undergraduate students in three majors, including Industrial Engineering (IE), Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering (ME).

To enrich our students' international experience, we implement dual-degree programs for our junior and senior students at a number top engineering program in the U.S. This spring we will be celebrating our first cohort of graduating seniors and 90% of them will be going to graduate schools, including master’s and PhD programs at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, University of Michigan, Georgia Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Columbia University, etc.


Position Opened: Academic Administrator (2)



Employment Location: Jiang’an Campus, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China



Academic Administrator 教务人员 (2)

Position Description 岗位描述:

The Academic Administrator provides academic and administrative support to SCUPI. During the interaction with faculty, staff and students from the Institute, Sichuan University, and the University of Pittsburgh, the academic administrator plays an active and supportive role in providing academic related services and consultations and administrative support for Institute-wide projects


Duties and Responsibilities 主要职责:

●Act as an interface between the Institute, Sichuan University, and the University of Pittsburgh in addressing academic issues or providing academic information 协调四川大学与匹兹堡大学之间的学术教务问题,提供最新教务信息

●Prepare class scheduling, coordinate classrooms, and curriculum support 提供教室和课程安排及课程支持

●Provide counseling service regarding academic affairs and study abroad programs 针对学术发展及出国项目提供学生咨询服务

●Coordinate faculty and staff members’ academic related activities 协调教职工学术相关的活动

●Keep track on students' academic performance by collecting, analyzing and reviewing data and generate academic report accordingly 收集分析并书写学术报告,跟踪关注学生的学术表现

●Take a lead in Teaching Assistant recruiting, training, management, and eva luation 负责助教的招聘,培训,管理及评估

●Work collaboratively with other team members on special projects与团队成员一同协作执行特别项目

●Other duties as assigned完成院领导交办的其他工作


Qualifications 招聘条件:

●Master’s degree in Education, Public Relation, Communications or other related fields, oversea diploma or working/intern experience from an English speaking country preferred教育、公共关系、传播学及其它相关专业研究生学历,拥有英语国家求学或工作/实习背景者优先

●High level of English proficiency in both speaking and writing优秀的英语交流与写作能力

●1-3 years of experience in providing administrative assistance is a plus拥有1-3年行政管理工作/实习经验者优先

●Desire to work in a dynamic, fast-paced, goal-oriented, diverse environment渴望在一个动态的、快节奏的、以目标为导向的、多元化的环境中工作

●Knowledgeable in American university education system熟悉美国的大学教育体系

●Superb team player优秀的团队协作能力

●Multi-tasking ability多任务处理能力


Employment Location: Sichuan University, Chengdu, China



Application Procedure:

Interested applicants are welcome to apply. (1) A resume, (2) a cover letter which outlines applicant’s professional goals and specific position(s) interested, and (3) three professional references (no need to provide reference letters) with telephone numbers or email addresses (if available), can be sent to scupi_staff@scu.edu.cn. Please entitle your email as the following format: 2019Application_JobTitle_Your Name (E.g., 2019 Academic Administrator_Amy Lin). Qualified candidates will be invited for both phone interview and onsite interview on a rolling basis at Sichuan University. All employments will be located at Sichuan University campus in Chengdu, China. Please note that application documents in Chinese won’t be accepted.


Application Due: June 1st, 2019

Office Address: 2nd Floor, Zone 4, Liberal Arts Building, Jiang'an Campus, Sichuan University




应聘人员请发送包括全英文简历、求职信和三位专业推荐人(含联系电话或电子邮箱)的邮件到scupi_staff@scu.edu.cn。匹兹堡学院对条件优秀的应聘者进行筛选,并对其进行电话面试和现场面试。 投递中文版申请材料将不被考虑。






Cross your t's and dot your i's. 办事要一丝不苟.
He that runs fastest gets the ring. 谁跑得快谁得奖. /捷足者先登.
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