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2019-07-09 07:43:05 【



















Postdoctoral Recruitment of Professor Chen Jianping's Research Group

Professor Chen Jianping's research group, at the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), is mainly working on photonic integration, broadband optical signal processing, high-precision fiber-optic time-frequency transmission, as well as commercialization of key technologies. The group has undertaken a series of scientific research projects such as the National 973 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation (Instrument Special Project, key projects, outstanding youth fund projects, major and key pre-research), and Shanghai Silicon Photonics Major Project. The group is recruiting a number of postdoctoral researchers.

Ⅰ . Research Directions:

(ⅰ)Optical communication, optoelectronic associated circuits and systems, testing and control.

(ⅱ)Photonic integrated chip (silicon photonics and hybrid integration): design, fabrication, test and package, as well as product-level development.

Ⅱ . Requirements:

(ⅰ)Meet the basic post-doctoral recruitment requirements of SJTU.

(ⅱ)Good physical and mental health, open personality, good teamwork ability, and strong sense of responsibility; Applicants good at development of instrument and equipment with rich experience in optical device fabrication, package and test are preferred.

Ⅲ . Work Treatment:

(ⅰ)Basic treatment (including post-doctoral housing subsidies, post-doctoral apartments, etc.) in accordance with the relevant regulations of the post-doctoral mobile station of SJTU; Handling relevant settlements according to Shanghai Postdoctoral Management Policy.

(ⅱ) Based on research tasks and accomplishment level, the supervisor will provide generous additional subsidies and rewards. The total annual income may exceed 350,000 yuan for those with excellent performance. The postdoc researchers, who successfully enter the national "Bo Xin Plan" and Shanghai "Super Postdoctoral Program", will enjoy the relevant treatment. The postdoc researchers will enjoy the university reward policy for the academic achievements when they are working in the post-doctoral station.

(ⅲ)If the postdoc researcher achieves excellent scientific progress during the post-doctoral period, they will have the opportunity to be enrolled as a faculty member of SJTU.

Ⅳ . Application Materials:

(ⅰ)Personal resume (including educational experience, scientific research experience, paper publication, awards, etc.);

(ⅱ)Doctoral dissertation (fresh graduates can only provide the title and abstract) and 5 representative research achievements.

V . Contact Information:

Please submit the application materials to Ms. Liu: liujiao@sjtu.edu.cn, Tel: 021-34255140.



Wealth got by labour is sweet in the enjoyment. 劳动得来的财富享受起来味道甜美.
Wine and judgement mature with age. 酒老味醇,人老识深.
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