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2019年07月上海科技大学创业与管理学院招聘1名Innovation Instructor
2019-07-17 10:12:42 【

The Innovation Instructure will be a core member of a teaching group for co-teaching innovation courses, including Design Thinking and Innovation Lab. The Design Thinking course aims to develop students’ critical thinking ability, problem-solving skills, and innovative design mindset. The Innovation Lab applies theoretical knowledge and research skills in group projects on customer research in real-life settings.

岗位名称: Innovation Instructor





Apart from classroom teaching and test-based assessment, the instructor will

· Lead discussion sessions in a thought-provoking way;

· Design project goals and eva luation criteria;

· Develop and update course materials and lecture plans;

· Provide mentorship and oversight to students by advising them on group projects and monitoring their work progress;

· Develop and maintain an effective network of industrial expertise and links that can provide course-related workshops, talks, and practicums, including industry experts from background of high-tech start-ups, IP laws, data science, design industry and VC etc;

· Support different Professors to teach course sessions; and

· Responsible for all course logistics work including classroom setup, prototype room maintenance, course communications with students and department of other schools, teaching assistant recruitment and training and part-time instructor recruitment and training etc.


The instructor is also expected to play an active role in supporting innovation activities in the School by

· Participating (and co-teaching) in larger sections of other innovation curriculum;

· Helping design and implement programs to support and promote creativity and innovation in the school community;

· Supporting extracurricular initiatives to nurture student creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and

· Fulfilling any other requirements as requested by the Dean.



· A Master (or higher) Degree (in any field) from a reputed institution

· Bilingual (Chinese/English) competence in communication

· Two to five years of teaching experience (with success in college-level teaching and/or executive education)

· Skills of coaching groups of students and mentoring on an individual basis.


· Education background of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), design, education, philosophy, psychology, or business

· Varied professional experience, both in classroom settings and outside of schools, especially in business consulting or entrepreneurship

· Familiarity with Design Thinking / Innovation principles and application through work experience or education

· Demonstrated ability of professional/industrial networking










A horse stumbles that has four legs. 人有失足,马有失蹄。
Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖 。
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