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2021-01-13 19:50:49 【






肖岩教授为浙江大学、浙大-伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院(ZJUI)国家特聘专家教授、能环与基础设施科学系主任,浙大土木工程专业博士生导师,“长江学者”、国家杰青(海外),有多年中、美、日等地的学术历练。肖教授学术兼职包括美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)“Journal of Structural Engineering、Journal of Bridge Engineering”学报副主编,艾斯维尔“Journal of Constructional Steel Research”,“Advances in Structural Engineering”, 《建筑结构学报》编委等。获选美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)和美国混凝土协会(ACI)的会士,持有加利福尼亚州注册专业土木工程师执照。


更多信息请见肖老师个人主页  http://person.zju.edu.cn/en/xiaoyan


1. 有从事材料科学及工程、结构工程、或竹木、复合材料等相关领域的研究背景;

2. 有从事结构防护,结构监测与安全评估,分析与实验、设备开发等研究背景;

3. 品学兼优、身体健康,年龄一般不超过35周岁;

4. 优秀的论文发表经历,近三年内获得国内C9高校或第四轮学科评估A+学科或海外顶尖大学博士学位者优先;

5. 具有独立进行高水平科研工作的能力, 具有良好的学术表现及学术发展潜力,勤奋主动,责任心强,认真负责,具有良好的团队协作精神。













Prof. Xiao Yan's Group is Recruiting Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Zhejiang University (ranked TOP 3 in China) invites qualified applicants for the 2020 Postdoc Research Fellowship. The research position is in the area of bio-based materials and structures, and comprehensive protection of engineering structures. The associated research team has good academic accumulation and international influence, advocates academic freedom, encourages independent exploration and equal cooperation. It also has abundant academic resources, which is suitable for interdisciplinary innovation research. 

1.    Research Direction

Advanced Manufacture of Bio-based Materials and Structures, 1~2

Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Protection, 1~2

2.    Research Group and PI:

Prof. Xiao is a Changjiang and National Expert Distinguished Professor and serves as the Program Director for Energy, Environment and Infrastructure Sciences in the Zhejiang University – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Institute (ZJUI), International Campus, Zhejiang University. He had many years of academic experience in China, the United States, Japan and other places. Prof. Xiao serves as the associate editors for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering, Journal of Bridge Engineering, and editorial board member of the Journal of Constructional Steel Research. He is an elected fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and American Concrete Institute (ACI). He holds a professional engineer license in California.

Prof. Xiao’s research mainly focuses on the analysis of the performance of engineering structures under the action of earthquake and other ultimate loads, material research and combination, and design methods. He has made significant contributions in the fields of restrained concrete, composite structure, composite material application, structural reinforcement, impact effect, large-scale structural test and so on. To promote environmental and ecological friendliness, the group has devoted itself to the research and development of modern engineering bamboo structure in recent years. Prof. Xiao holds numbers of patents and GluBam® technologies which won an international award. Numbers of innovative achievements have been referred to and applied by the academic and engineering circles. Prof. Xiao is responsible for numbers of national funding, key projects in China and the United States, 973 projects and so on. Currently, He undertakes two natural science foundation projects and two major research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


3.    Qualifications

1)Research background in materials science and engineering, structural engineering, or bamboo and wood, composite materials, etc.; 91eXAm.org

2)Research background in structural protection, structural monitoring and safety assessment, analysis and experiment, equipment development, etc.;

3)The applicants shall be under 35 years old or obtain Ph.D. degree in the past three years, of good moral character, and in good health.

4)Ph.D. degree from domestic C9 universities, or from “A plus” disciplines of the fourth round of national discipline assessment by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center, or from top overseas universities are highly appreciated.

5)Applicants shall have good academic performance and research capability, and be diligent, active, and responsible, and have a good spirit of teamwork.

4.    Application Procedures

Send a resume (including basic personal information, study and work experiences, research projects experience, publication list, etc.), 5 representative papers and other materials by email. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by PI and/or institute and be reported to Zhejiang University for approval. Upon successful application, the selected candidates shall finish the registration procedures and will be subject to the management of Zhejiang University.

5.    Assessment and Salary

Under the guidance and cooperation of Prof. Xiao, the candidates will mainly carry out their research work in the tranquil international campus of Zhejiang University. Our campus is located in Haining city which has a profound cultural background and is close to Shanghai and Hangzhou. Those who meet the requirements can go to UIUC in the United States for short-term to one-year cooperative research for the needs of cooperative research. According to the regulations of the post-doctoral management of Zhejiang University, we will complete the corresponding assessment, complete the research work and meet the post-doctoral outbound requirements of the corresponding discipline. Postdoctoral period is 2~3 years. The salary and welfare shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the national postdoctoral program and Zhejiang University. The university and the supervisor shall grant a subsidy of no less than 200,000 yuan per year (for those who have obtained the doctoral degree from overseas top universities in the recent three years and have excellent thesis publishing experience, the subsidy shall be separately discussed), and reward performance based on the research achievements. The candidate will enjoy the related benefits of the postdoctoral program in the university during the subsidy period. The research group provides good scientific research conditions for postdocs, encourages to participate in high-level academic conferences at home and abroad, and supports them to apply for postdoctoral science funds and other national and local science and technology projects and postdoctoral funding projects. University will provide a postdoctoral apartment. Postdoctoral personnel who have worked for more than three years may apply for the professional title of Zhejiang University.

6.    Work address

ZJU-UIUC Institute, International Campus, Zhejiang University, 718 Haizhou East Road, Haining, Zhejiang, China 314400

7. Contacts

Please send the application material to the email address below:chenyimo@intl.zju.edu.cn

8. Website




Once virtue is lost, all is lost. 一旦丧失道德,便是丧失了一切.
Hot love is soon cold. 过热的爱情冷得快.
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