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2016年12月华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室诚聘学术期《Anthropocene Coasts》编辑部招聘1名编辑公告
2016-12-26 09:44:38 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

华东师范大学与加拿大科学出版社(Canadian Science Publishing)合办的期刊《Anthropocene Coasts》计划于2017年出刊。本刊紧密围绕河口海岸区域在高强度人类活动影响下的系统转换过程研究,刊载人类活动过程、未来河口海岸自然与人类过程的耦合、海岸环境生态问题的定量化模拟、河口海岸区域可持续发展等领域的学术论文及综述。现因工作需要,面向海内外招聘《Anthropocene Coasts》编辑部编辑1名。


一、           岗位职责:








1.      具有相关专业博士学位,有相关专业科研背景或科技期刊工作经验者优先;

2.      具备突出的英语听、说、读、写能力,具有海外留学或工作经历者优先;

3.      具有高度服务意识和团结协作精神,具备较强的沟通能力和组织能力;

4.      有较好的文字功底和耐心细致的性格特征,具备较强的专业科技论文的写作与编辑能力。





Notice of Editorial Assistant Recruitment


Journal of “Anthropocene Coasts”in Shanghai, China seeks an in-house Editorial Assistant to provide administrative and production support.


1.      Logging, processing, and tracking author-submitted manuscripts.

2.      Assisteditors/freelancersinfulfillingvariouseditorialassignments.

3.      Helpbuildupand maintaingoodcommunicationwithvariouscontacts.

4.      Contribute to the building of authors team.

5.      Other related works.


1.      A doctor’s degree with related academic background is required.

2.      Strong English written and verbal communication abilities, overseastudying or working experience are required. 

3.      Strong communication skills are essential.Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills are required.

4.      Database management and on-line manuscript submission experience are desirable.

Qualified candidate will take a two monthstraining in Canadian Science Publishing and enjoy the welfarebenefits as a staff of East China Normal University and State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research.

Ifyouareinterestedinthisexcitingposition,pleaseyou’re yourresumeandcoverletterto

Dr. Hong Jiang


Zhongshan N. Road 3663,Shanghai 200062, China.

Tel: +86-021-62232887

Fax: +86-021-62546441


Closing date: Until January 15th 2017, or the positionis filled.


About Anthropocene Coasts

Anthropocene Coasts is a new open access international journal jointly developed by Canadian Science Publishing and East China Normal University. Anthropocene Coasts is devoted tothe estuarine and coastal research in the Anthropocene period. This historical period is critical for the social andeconomic development. Therefore, the journal is concerned with multidisciplinary studies on the regime shift in response to concentrated humanactivities in the world estuarine and coastal regions, with the background of climate change.


About Canadian Science Publishing
Canadian Science Publishing (CSP), head-quartered in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) is an independent, not-for-profit scholarly publisher dedicated to serving the needs of researchers and their communities, not only by publishing quality peer-reviewed journals but also by supporting the knowledge-sharing activities of scholarly societies and other key partners through events, awards, and other exchanges. To learn more, visit www.cdnsciencepub.com.

About East China Normal University
Founded in Shanghai in October 1951, East China Normal University (ECNU) is one of the most prestigious universities in China. Since China opened up to the world in 1978, ECNU has developed at a breathtaking pace into a comprehensive research university. For more information, visitwww.ecnu.edu.cn.






In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages. 古今伟大思想均永载于书籍之中.
Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 允诺宜缓,履行宜速。
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