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2017年01月深圳大学广东省基站天线与电波工程技术研究中心招聘4名博士后公告(Postdoctor Recruitment Advertisement)
2017-01-13 07:39:25 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【




















深圳大学信息工程学院  何业军教授






 Postdoctor Recruitment Advertisement:Guangdong Engineering Center of Base Station Antennas and Propagation 

Due to the needs of scientific research, The Information and Communication Engineering Postdoctoral Research Station of Shenzhen University is recruiting four postdoctoral researchers in the field of mobile communications.

Research areas: 

(1) Physical-layer or cross-layer design for mobile communications.

(2) Antenna design and optimization.

Applicant requirements: 

(1) PhD graduates (including spring or autumn graduates); Overseas study or work experience is preferred; Graduates from Chinese universities need to provide proofs for good oral and written English skills.

(2) Have published high level scientific papers in the international journals during the PhD study .

(3) Strong research background in the field of mobile communications.

(4) Good health, honest, with a strong responsibility and teamwork spirit.

Terms and Conditions of Employment: 

(1) Execution referring to relevant welfare for post doctoral researchers issued by the Ministry of Personnel in China.

(2) Wages and allowances: RMB220K/ year (after tax)

(3) Provide housing subsidies or circulating house according to the lecturers housing standards ofShenzhenUniversity.

(4) Research start-up funds of RMB 100K according to relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Government, if the researchers will continue to work inShenzhenUniversityafter the postdoctoral research p eriod.

(5)Short-term visiting to USA, Canada, UK, HongKong would be offered for joint research and project cooperation if necessary.

(6) Will be considered at high priority to work inShenzhenUniversityafter the successful postdoctoral research period.

Applicants should provide the following materials: 

(1) Resume.

(2) Copy of degree certificate.

(3) Copies of representative publications in the past five years.

(4) Postdoctoral admission application form and relevant forms (download from The Shenzhen University Science and Technology Department’s website, or email for request).

(5) Supervisor recommendation letter.

(6) Other issues you want to address.

An interview for the best candidates will be arranged after the application deadline.


Professor Yejun He, College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, China



Address: Room N815, College of Information Engineering,ShenzhenUniversity, No. 3688,Nanhai Road, Nanshan District,Shenzhen,China.


Application deadline: Dec. 31, 2017






Virtue never grows old. 美德不会衰老.
Youth is half the battle. 年轻是胜利的一半.
Tags:高校 教师 招聘 考试
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