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2017-01-20 18:36:29 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

Zhejiang University began to prepare for its International Campus in February, 2013., which was officially approved by the Ministry of Education in October, 2015. 

The International Campus will accommodate a number of Chinese-foreign cooperation institutions, interdisciplinary research centers, and research result transfer bodies, and enable cooperation with world-class universities in education, research and research result transfer. To date, ZJU-Imperial Joint Lab for Applied Data Science, Institute of China Studies, ZJU-UoE Institute and ZJU-UIUC Institute have been formally established, and the International Campus has been put into use in September, 2016. It located in Haining, Zhejiang Province, covering a land area of 80 hectares, with a total floor space of about 400,000 square meters.
To accelerate the construction of the International Campus, the following administrative staff positions are available. We will provide an excellent platform for career development and competitive salaries to attract qualified talents to join the International Campus!


1. Positions at Administration Office:


Translator (1)


Key Responsibilities主要职责:
1)     Bilingual translation between Chinese and English for all kinds of documents of the Administration Office.

2)     Reviewing the English materials provided by other departments and units to the Administration Office.

3)     Translation service in the important foreign affairs activities participated by the key administrators of the International Campus.

4)     Completing other tasks assigned by the Administration Office leaders.
1)     承担国际校区综合办公室各类材料的中英文互译工作。

2)     承担国际校区各部门、单位提交综合办公室的英文材料的审核工作。

3)     承担国际校区领导参加的重要外事活动的翻译工作。

4)     完成领导交办的其他工作。

1)     Master’s degree or above, major of foreign languages. Bachelor degree or above in “985” University or Experience of studying / working abroad preferred.

2)      Professional translation competence.

3)     A sense of responsibility, conscientious and self-motive work attitude.
1) 硕士及以上学历,外语类相关专业。985高校本科及以上学历或有海外留学或工作背景者优先考虑。

2) 有专业翻译能力。



2.Positions at Division of Campus Development and Management:



Integrated Manager(1)


Integrated Manager 总务部专员(综合管理)


Key Responsibilities主要职责:

1) Daily management and maintenance of the Division of Campus Development and Management Website and Information

2) Responsible for Contract management;Assets and equipment registration management;Profile Management

3) Responsible for internal coordination and financial management

4) Responsible for translate and coordinate English files

1) 负责总务部网站及信息化维护

2) 负责总务部合同、资产与设备登记管理、相关档案管理;

3) 负责总务部内部综合协调与财务管理;

4) 负责总务部英文文档翻译与整理;



1) Master’s degree or above and more than two years’ experience in related fields; Bachelor’s degree or above and more than four years’ experience in related fields. Bachelor degree or above in “985” University or Experience of studying abroad preferred.

2) High proficiency in Chinese and English speaking

3) Strong interpersonal skills, a sense of responsibility, service awareness, and team spirit

1) 硕士、2年以上相关工作经历或本科、相关工作经历4年以上。985高校本科及以上学历或有海外留学背景者优先考虑;

2) 具备熟练应用英文进行听说读写能力;

3) 较强的沟通协调能力与强烈的工作责任心;良好的服务意识和团队协作意识;


3. Positions at Library and Information Center:


Supervisor at Reader's service department



Supervisor at Reader's service department读者服务部主管(1)

Key Responsibilities主要职责:

1)  Arranging related business such as circulation; reading promotion; assistant management; research space management; cultural activities organization.

1) 负责统筹安排书刊流通、阅读推广、学助管理、研究空间管理、文化活动组织等相关业务



1)     Master’s degree or above, high proficiency in Chinese and English speaking. Bachelor degree or above in “985” University or Experience of studying abroad preferred.

2)     Major in Library and Information or experience in library science or other related work preferred

3)     Strong interpersonal skills, sense of responsibility, service awareness, and team spirit

1) 硕士研究生及以上学历,具有较强的中英文表达能力, 985高校本科及以上学历或有海外留学背景者优先考虑;

2) 有图书情报专业相关学习或相关工作经历

3) 有较强的沟通协调能力与工作责任心,较好的服务意识和团队协作意识


II. Application Submission报名方式

Please email application materials (including the application form, certificate of Bachelor and Master Degree and indicating the position applied for) to: hr.recruit@zju.edu.cn. Applicants with the right qualifications will be notified for further appraisal.

请有意者将应聘材料(《浙江大学国际校区应聘人员登记表》(请下载附件),本科研究生期间学历及学位认证,并在邮件名中注明:应聘岗位+姓名+91考试网)发送邮件至hr.recruit@zju.edu.cn, 浙大国际校区将通知条件优秀的应聘者参加考核。

III. Closing Date报名截止时间:Feb.20, 2017 2017年2月20日

IV. Inquiry垂询电话: 竺老师 +86-571-87572111、0571-87572111







Comfort is better than pride. 华美不如舒适.
Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 虽眼见亦不能全信,道听途说更不足信.
Tags:职业院校 招聘 考试
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