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2017年04月上海科技大学免疫化学研究所生物工程学实验室(Nicola Elvassore 研究组)招聘1名实验室技术员(分子生物学)
2017-04-26 08:13:25 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

Accepting applications for a Technician position in Prof. Nicola Elvassore’s lab in the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) at Shanghaitech University

In our lab, we perform research at the interface between human stem cell biology and biotechnology/biological engineering.
We have one open position for a lab technician, focused on molecular biology.

1. Bachelor degree in one of the following majors: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology or similar.
2. Master degree or PhD will be preferred. 
3. Minimum two-year working experience in analogous position in research centers or private companies is required, if not having Master degree or PhD.
4. Solid experience in standard molecular biological assays, such as immunofluorescence, rtPCR, qPCR, plasmid cloning, blotting, flow cytometry, ELISA.
5. Experience in fluorescence and confocal microscopy will be preferred.
6. Excellent communication and writing skills in English.

Maintaining a functional unit to perform biological assays. Main responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Making orders of required material.
2. Verifying the functionality of the instrumentation used and collaborating with instruments technical support.
3. Planning and performing the biological assay work, interfacing with students, postdocs, and professors within the lab.
4. Performing biological assays as instructed.
5. Maintaining documentation and standardizing lab protocols for performing biological assays.
6. Getting skilled on new analysis techniques.

Please email a CV and two letters of reference in English, directly sent to siais@shanghaitech.edu.cn (cc: nicola.elvassore@shanghaitech.edu.cn)





Say the right thing at the right time,and keep still most of the time. 只在恰当的时候说恰当的话,大部分时间则不要说话。
If a man will not seek knowledge, it will not seek him. 你若不去找知识,知识不会来找你.
Tags:职业院校 招聘 考试
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