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2017年07月Positions Opening, College of Engineering, STU(.7)
2017-07-20 23:23:05 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

Shantou University invites applications for positions of all ranks of Academic Leader, Top-tier Talent, and Excellent Young Assistant Professor


About Shantou University

Shantou University, founded in 1981, is a comprehensive university jointly supported by the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Li Ka Shing Foundation, and is the only public university in the world that receives long-term funding from the Li Ka Shing Foundation. The University campus is located in Shantou, a seaside city, covering a total area of 1.26 square kilometers with a floor space of 568,000 m2.

The University consists of 8 colleges and schools, namely, C ollege of Science, College of Engineering, Medical College, Business School, Law School, Cheung Kong School of Art and Design, Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication,and College of Liberal Arts.

In September 2013, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Shantou University signed a Memorandum of Understanding for jointly establishing Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), an institution of higher learning in Shantou. In December 2016, the Ministry of Education approved the formal establishment of the Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT).

Since 2015, STU has been twice ranked within Nos. 601-800 in the “Times Higher Education World University Rankings”, being the only Chinese mainland university founded after 1980 that enters the list.


About College of Engineering

The College of Engineering offers five undergraduate programs of Civil Engineering, Computer Sciences and Technology, Electronic and Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Automation, as well as Master and Ph.D. degree programs with a total of over 1700 undergraduate and graduate students, and 130 faculty and staff.


The faculty position openings are in the following areas:

Intelligent Manufacturing

Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Data Science and Big data

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


Salary and Benefits Package for all positions:


Academic Leader


Appointed professor under the “Cheung Kong Scholars Funding Project”, “Thousand Talents” Innovation Program and those with equal level.

Annual Salary


Research Funding


Housing Allowance




Top-tier Talent


Awardees of the Cheung Kong Scholars Funding Program, National Thousand Young Talents Funding Program for the Youth and those with equal level.

Annual Salary


Research Funding

¥ 4000,000

Housing Allowance




Excellent Young Assistant Professor


Ph.Ds from top universities or research institutes; Postdoctor; Researcher; Excellent young scholar.

Annual Salary


Research Funding


Housing Allowance



1.       Exceptionally excellent faculty can also apply for the “STU Outstanding Talents Funding Project”, which offers a university-level funding of ¥80,000-300,000 per year.

2.       For the newly recruited faculty who are with doctoral degrees as well as senior and vice-senior professional titles, Shantou University will offer their spouses without jobs each a subsidy of ¥2,000 per month.

3.       For International faculties, the University provides one annual round-trip ticket from the candidate’s residency to Shantou, free housing, paid vacations, medical benefits, and Chinese holidays.

4.       A variety of on-campus housing is available for renting. 

5.       Shantou University will offer relocation expenses ¥50,000 for the new faculty.


Application Process:

Interested inpiduals should provide an updated CV with a cover letter outlining his or her interests in and qualifications and three reference letters written by prestigious academic scholars at home and abroad.

Please send the application to:

Ms. Li

Human Resources

Shantou University


243 Da Xue Road, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China 515063






If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some. 要想知道钱的价值,就想办法去借钱试试.
Love laughs at locksmiths. 爱情嘲笑锁匠. /爱情能克服困难.
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