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:小学英语教师业务理论考试英语试卷 英语教师招聘试题
2014-09-20 17:57:33 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

I. 单项填空 (共20小题,计20分)
1. — Who will be _________ duty tomorrow?                                                       
  — Susan will.
  A. at                                     B. on                           C. for                           D. in
2. Boys and girls, you should finish your homework by _________.
A. myself                        B. yourselves               C. themselves               D. ourselves
3. — What _________ does he like best?
— He likes running.
A. music                         B. subject                     C. animal                     D. sport
4. — What do you think the teachers in your school are like?
— I think they are very kind, _________ they look serious.
A. though                        B. or                           C. because                    D. and
5. You’ll do much better _________ you spend more time thinking it over.                          

A. if                                B. before                      C. although                   D. unless
6. You have already tried your best, so you _________ worry about the matter.                    

  A. can’t                          B. needn’t                           C. mustn’t                    D. couldn’t
7. It’s a good habit _________ breakfast every day.                                                

   A. had                                    B. have                        C. has                                 D. to have
8. You got all the answers _________ last time. You’ll have to do the test again _________


    A. correct; most              B. wrong; much more    C. easy; even                D. careless; but
9. I’m hungry. _________ go out for dinner?

    A. Why do we                B. How about                      C. Shall we                  D. Don’t you

10. I need _________ this letter. Would you mind _________ me your pen, please?

    A. to finish; lending         B. writing; to give        C. to see; borrowing      D. finding; drop
11. I can’t meet you tomorrow. Can we _________ it off till the day after?

    A. call                           B. get                           C. put                          D. turn
12. — I was watching TV when the fire broke out last night. What about you, Lily?

— I _________ computer games.
A. played                        B. have played             C. had play                  D. was playing
13. — When we sit in the living room, you always watch TV and _________ talk to me.

— Oh, sorry.
A. sometimes                 B. never                             C. usually                    D. hard
14. —_________ will the work be finished?

— In half an hour.
A. How often                 B. How long                C. How close                      D. How soon
15. — This English book isn’t easy for Li Tao to understand, is it?
—_________. His English is much better than expected.
A. Yes, it is                   B. I hope so                 C. No, it isn’t               D. I’m afraid not
16. — Which of these two dictionaries will you buy?
— I’ll buy _________. One for me and the other for my son.
A. both                         B. neither                    C. either                      D. all
17. In England, people usually put “Mr.” before the _________ of a man.

    A. given name               B. family name            C. first name                       D. middle name
18. After school we usually play ______ soccer for half ______ hour on ______  sports ground.

    A. /; an; the                   B. the; a; the               C. /; a; /                      D. the; an; a
19. There are _________ boats on the river. The _________ one is Ali’s.

    A. five; fifth                  B. fifth; five                C. five; fiveth                     D. fiveth; five
20. Sam eats too much _________. He doesn’t eat any _________.

    A. chickens; tomato                                            B. tomato; chicken  

   C. chicken; tomatoes                                           D. tomatoes; chicken

II. 情景对话(共5个小题,计5分)。

21. — You look very nice in that T-shirt, Bob.

     — _________.

    A. You’re so kind                                              B. Sorry, I don’t like it at all 

    C. It’s OK                                                               D. Thanks

22. — Hello, is that 665-9525?

     — _________. It’s 679-5525.

    A. Sorry, wrong number                                    B. Hold on, please  

    C. Speak, please                                                D. Sorry, he isn’t in

23. — _________?

     — It’s purple. What about yours?

     — It’s pink.

    A. Do you like pink or purple                            B. What color is your new dress

    C. Is your favorite color purple                                 D. What color do you like best

24. — Good morning. Can I help you?

     — Yes. _________.

    A. You must lose weight                                            B. I’m always ready to help others

    C. I know the way to the hospital                        D. I want a hamburger, please

25. — Dad, I can’t find my sweater.

     — _________?

     — Oh, yes. Thank you, Dad.

    A. Where’s your sweater                                    B. Whose sweater do you like best

    C. Is the one on the chair yours                          D. Do you know where it is


III. 完形填空(共10个小题,计10分) 

       A minister went to the home of one of the rich members of the society. It was   (26)  outside, so he was dressed in his overcoat. He went into the living room and   (27)  his coat. They talked for a while and then the minister prepared to go away. He put on his warm coat and asked the host to go with him to the   (28)  , as he wanted to say something to him in secret. The host,   (29)   that he would be coming back in a minute or so, did not bother to put on his own overcoat and went out into the    (30)   hall with him.
       The minister kept himself busy with small talks, much to the discomfort of the host. He became so    (31)   that his teeth began to strike together repeatedly. But the minister   (32)  with his small talk. Several times the host asked the minister to return to the living room, but each time the minister replied that in another minute he would    (33)  .
        Finally the rich man said, “If you do not tell me what we have come out here for, I’ll freeze to death.”
       “I’ll tell you what I have come for,” replied the minister. “I need some money to buy some   (34)   that will go to some poor people. But inside, you would not have realized what it means to be   (35)  .”
26. A. cloudy                      B. sunny                      C. snowing                         D. windy
27. A. changed                    B. got off                                  C. made                              D. took off
28. A. building             B. space                              C. world                      D. hall
29. A. insisting             B. thinking                  C. wondering               D. knowing
30. A. crowded             B. low                                C. clean                       D. unheated
31. A. freezing             B. sad                         C. angry                      D. excited
32. A. began                       B. helped                     C. ended                      D. went on
33. A. finish                        B. pause                      C. warm up                  D. go on
34. A. coal                    B. food                        C. houses                      D. clothes

35. A. hunger                B. cold                               C. poor                               D. death

IV. 阅读理解 (共15个小题,计30分)



Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horse-back riding.

    When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time—like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no idea how to find Linda.

    Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share stories of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.

    One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Linda and whose last name was Wagman—Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her.

    She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”

    Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled, and there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure; we won’t lose each other again!

36. The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans______.

A. at the age of 13                        B. before she got married

C. after they moved to new homes           D. before the writer’s family moved away

37. They didn’t keep in touch with each other because they ______.

A. had no time                                  B. changed their address but didn’t tell each other

C. didn’t like writing letters                    D. could see each other on special time

38. There was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she______.

A. was in trouble                             

B. didn’t know Linda’s address

C. received the card that she sent 

D. didn’t have a friend like Linda to share her happiness or sadness

39. The writer was happy when she________.

A. read the newspaper         

B. heard Linda’s voice on the phone

    C. met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda

    D. wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman

40. They haven’t kept in touch________.

     A. for about 40 years                     B. for about 27 years

     C. since they got married                  D. since the writer’s family moved away


41. This passage is probably ________.

       A. a story                     B. a poster             C. a book review           D. an essay

42. “_______” is not mentioned in the passage.

       A. Time                B. Place                C. Date                        D. Price

43. The circus will be in this town for _______ .

       A. only one day     B. two days           C. three days                 D. four days

44. What will the magician do in the show?

       A. Jump through a fiery hoop.             B. Lift a lady into the air.

       C. Make you laugh.                            D. Show us an amazing animals.

45. ________ is the newest member of the circus.

       A. The lion                                        B. The clowns       

C. An amazing monkey                       D. A beautiful lady

46. A volleyball fan can enjoy a volleyball match on ____.

        A. CCTV-4                B. CCTV-3                  C. NTTV                     D. JSTV

47. If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose ____.

        A. CCTV-3                B. NTTV                     C. CCTV-4                  D. JSTV

48. The English news on CCTV-4 lasts about ____ minutes.

        A. 25                         B. 20                           C. 30                           D. 40

49. Which TV station has the most English programs?

A.   JSTV.                   B. NTTV.                     C. CCTV-1.                        D. CCTV-4.

50. If you are interested in Modern arts, you may choose ____.

       A. CCTV-1.                 B. CCTV-4.                        C. NTTV.                     D. JSTV.


V. 完成短文(共10个小题,计10分)阅读下面短信,根据所给单词的首字母填空。

Dear Peter,
    How are you now? I find English more interesting but more difficult. We (51) u____________ to learn what our teachers told us to. Now we are often pided into small (52) g___________. We are often told to make (53) d___________ by ourselves, discuss what to do and then spend much time collecting (54) i_____________ to do many different activities. It’s great fun, but we can’t find enough time. As you know, we have lots of homework every day. Will you give me some (55) a ___________?
    When I (56) v________ you last time, you told me to (57) s         more time reading.  You (58) m___________ a book. It told the true story of an Indian child yogi (瑜伽论者) who left his home at the (59)a           of 11 to travel for seven years on a 12, 000km journey. I can’t remember the (60) t__________ of the book but I remember it had the word “India” in it. Will you help me get it?
Best wishes,

61. 我想睡觉,你能将电视的音量调小些吗?



62. 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的体育明星之一。



63. 小学生应该学会怎样保护自己。



64. 一般来说,美国人会与他们的家人一起过圣诞节。



65. 我认为不应该允许十六岁以下的孩子驾车。


VII. 作文(共15分)根据图片及文字提示编写一段短文描述事情的经过、结果。

    要求:1. 以第一人称的语气,将文字以及图片中的信息体现在短文中;

             2. 行文流畅,语法正确,单词拼写规范正确。  


Can I help you?

When did you buy it?

Did you have the receipt?

There’s something wrong with the CD. I’ll give you another one.

Thank you very much.

Yes, here it is.


I’m afraid this CD doesn’t work.


Knock, and the door shall be opened. 只要敲门,就会有人来开。
Poverty is the test of civility and the touchstone of friendship. 贫穷是对人情的检验,也是友谊的试金石.
Tags:教师 招聘 考试 真题 答案
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