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2020-06-04 18:05:35 【

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU http://www.wku.edu.cn/en/), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and currently enrolls 2,500 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 8,500 students within the next six years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its current 17 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate programs. Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

Wenzhou-Kean University offers a competitive salary and benefits plan include but are not limited to house allowance, a very generous start up grant, retirement benefits, home traveling, a well-rounded healthcare coverage, academic travel, relocation reimbursement.

More information regarding positions is available on the web link: http://www.wku.edu.cn/en/2020/06/01/48860/.

All positions are open until filled.



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