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2021-05-20 22:38:08 【









Postdoctoral and Research Associate positions in the laboratory of Dr. Jianping Ding

  Two Postdoctoral and two Research Associate positions are currently available to study the structures, functions, and molecular mechanisms of proteins and protein complexes involved in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression in the laboratory of Dr. Jianping Ding at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science (Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Further details about the laboratory can be found in http://cemcs.cas.cn/sourcedb_cemcs_cas/zw/pi/202008/t20200823_5670103.html.

  Qualifications and requirements:

  (1) Creativity, independence, and high motivation;

  (2) Ph.D in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology, or related fields;

  (3) Strong sense of responsibility;

  (4) Team-work spirit and excellence in communication;

  (5) Open to new knowledge and techniques.

  Salary range: Commensurate with qualifications.

  Please send your curriculum vitae and a cover letter to jpding@sibcb.ac.cn with “job application+name+^91exam” on the subject line. All information received will be kept in strict confidentiality and used for recruitment purpose only.





Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞.
Do what is right, come what may. 不管会发生什么,对的就要去做.
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