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2016-07-26 23:25:52 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【

The UHWB programme is a 10 year, global interdisciplinary science programme to promote research on urban health in changing urban environments. 
The international programme office is based in Xiamen, China and seeks a communications officer.
The potential candidate will be part of a team at the international programme office in Xiamen, China and employed by the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  
Ideally the candidate will

- have a university degree in an any field related to urban environment, health or complexity science, and will convincingly show an interested in the topic of the programme.
- have good Chinese and English reading, writing and speaking skills
- be familiar with web design and web content management
- have previously written essays, newsletters, flyers or similar publications 
- be familiar with some aspects of academic publishing, or able to familiarize her/himself with it easily
- have experience in designed and layout of texts, such as news feeds, newsletters, press releases, flyrs, posters, etc...
- be able to give interviews and moderate or take part in discussions
- will have good intercultural communication skills, or a talent for communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds

Interested candidates, please send your application documents with a letter of motivation, addressed to Dr. Franz Gatzweiler, executive director of the programme, to: xxruan@iue.ac.cn  by Aug 26.




To err is human. To forgive ,divine. 有过失是人之常情。能原宥别人,才是超越常人。
Counsel breaks not the head. 忠告不会打破头.
Tags:高校 教师 招聘 考试
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