
全国 A安徽 B北京 C重庆 F福建 G广东 广西 甘肃 贵州 H河南 河北 湖南 湖北 黑龙江 海南 J江苏 江西 吉林 L辽宁 N内蒙古 宁夏 Q青海 S山东 山西 陕西 四川 上海 T天津 X新疆 西藏 Y云南 Z浙江 详细省市县级导航 银行招聘复习资料 工商 农业 交通 建设 中国银行 进出口 农业发展 国家开发 中信 恒丰 广东发展 深圳发展 光大 兴业 民生 华夏 浦东发展


财务管理 常识判断 法律常识 管理学 会计学 货币银行学 计算机 金融学 经济学 市场营销学 逻辑判断 数学运算 数字推理 图形推理 言语理解 资料分析 病句判断 定义判断 片段阅读 选词填空 时事政治

2019-06-22 04:00:44 【

真题预览:国家开发银行招聘考试真题第一部分 英语能力测试(限时60分钟) 一、单项选择题(共 20 题) 1. George took ________ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden. A. advantage B. profit C. possession D. charge 2. The bell rang and every student had to ________ their examination papers. A. give up B. give away C. give out D. give in 3. The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans. A. of B. on C. to D. against 4. My train arrives in New York at eight o’clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ________ by then. A. would leave B. will have left C. has left D. had left 5. ________ he does get annoyed with her sometimes. A. As he likes her much B. Although much he likes her C. Much as he likes her D. Much although he likes her 6. The mere fact ________ most people believe nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur. A. that B. which C. what D. whose 7. Hamlet is just an ________ character in真题预览结束
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