2016-04-02 09:26:21 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【


Deforestation and Desertification(沙漠化)

The Sahel zone lies between the Sahara desert and the fertilesavannahs(热带大草原)of northern Nigeria and South Sudan. The word sahel comes fromArabic and means marginal or transitional, and this is a good description ofthese semi-arid(半干旱)lands, which occupy much of the Western African countries ofMali, Mauritania, Niger, and Chad.

Unfortunately, over the last century the Sahara desert has steadily creptsouthwards eating into once productive Sahellands. United Nations surveys showthat over 70 percent of the dry land in agriculture use in Africa hasdeteriorated over the last 30 years. Droughts have become more severe, the mostrecent lasting over twenty years in parts of the Sahel region. The same processof desertification is taking place across southern Africa as the Kalahari desertadvances into Botswana and parts of South Africa.

One of the major causes of this desert advance is poor agricultural land use,driven by the pressures of increasing population. Overgrazing-keeping too manyfarm animals on the land-means that grasses and other plants cannot recover, andscarce water supplies are exhausted. Over cultivation-trying to grow too manycrops on poor land-results in the soil becoming even less fertile and drier, andbeginning to break up. Soil erosion(侵蚀)follows, and the land turns intodesert.

Another cause of desertification is loss of tree cover. Trees are cut downfor use as fuel and to clear land for agricultural use. Tree roots help to bindthe soil together, to conserve moisture, and to provide a habitat for otherplants and animals. When trees are cut down, the soil begins to dry and loosen,wind and rain erosion increase, other plant species die, and eventually thefertile top soil may be almost entirely lost, leaving only bare rock anddust.

The effects of loss of topsoil and increased drought are irreversible. Theyare, however, preventable. Careful conservation of tree cover and sustainableagricultural land use have been shown to halt deterioration of soils and lessenthe effects of shortage of rainfall. One project in Kita in south-west Malifunded by UNDP has involved local communities in sustainable management off orrest, while at the same time providing a viable(有活力的)agricultural economy. Thismay be a model for similar projects in other West African countries.

36.题干】The Sahel zone is an area which _____.


A.is covered with sad and grass

B.has a long history

C.occupies much of South Nigeria

D.belongs to Sudan



37. 题干】What is the situation about the desertification in Africa?


A.The deserts are replaced with grasslands

B.The deserts are expanding

C.the deserts are moving northwards

D.the deserts are being deserted



38. 题干】The word "deteriorated" in paragraph2 means _____.








39. 题干】What is the root cause of desertification?


A.poor farming


C.radical climate change

D.disappearance of rare plant species



40. 题干】In order to prevent desertification, the author proposes _____.


A.making good use of international aids

B.developing a sustainable agricultural economy

C.gaining international support

D.converting agricultural land into forest




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