
全国 A安徽 B北京 C重庆 F福建 G广东 广西 甘肃 贵州 H河南 河北 湖南 湖北 黑龙江 海南 J江苏 江西 吉林 L辽宁 N内蒙古 宁夏 Q青海 S山东 山西 陕西 四川 上海 T天津
     X新疆 西藏 Y云南 Z浙江


语言文字运用 识记字音: 形声字的分辨 多音字的分辨 习惯性误读字 辨识字形: 近义字的分辨 易混成语熟语 正确使用词语实词虚词: 近义实词辨析 近义虚词辨析 正确使用熟语包括成语: 成语的使用 其他熟语的使用 标点符号的使用 辨析并修改病句: 语序不当 搭配不当 表意不明 不合逻辑 扩展语段: 语句连贯排序 语言得体 仿写句式 选用变换句式 正确运用常见修辞手法 文言文阅读 理解实词在文中的含义 理解虚词的意义和用法 理解分析文言句段: 文言句式 词类活用 古今异义 一词多义 通假字 翻译 断句 概括分析 文言语段综合训练 名句名篇默写 名句 文学常识 古代诗歌鉴赏 语言风格类题目 诗歌常识 文学类文本阅读 分析综合 鉴赏评价 欣赏作品的形象 写作 序列训练: 立意准确 结构严谨 辩证分析 耀眼的亮点 常见题型 知识点 实用素材 作文升格

2010-07-22 08:35:54 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【



第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55)

第一节    语音知识(5小题,每小题1,满分5)



第二节 情景对话(5小题,每小题1,满分5)


Jerry:  Hi , Mike. Look like you’ve got some sun .

Mike: I guess so. I spent the weekend on the beach.

Jerry: Really? That sounds exciting. __6__           ( C )

Mike:At my friend’s house .He invited me to stay there for as long as I wanted .

Jerry: __7__                  (G )

Mike: Oh, I have a paper to work on.

Jerry: _8__ I mean besides lying out in the sun.      ( E )

Mike: I play some volleyball . I never realized how hard it is to run on sand.

Jerry: _9__ Did you go swimming?          ( B )

Mike: I intended to . __10__So I just went fishing.           ( F )

Jerry: All sounds so relaxing.

A. What a pity!                     B.It must be cool.

C.Where did you stay ?              D. But how did you get there ?

E.So what else did you do out there ?    F.But the water wasn’t warm enough

G..Then why not stay there for a longer time?

第三节 语法和词汇知识(15小题,每小题1,满分15)


11.The old temple _______ roo f was damaged in storm is now under repair.   ( D )

A. where    B. which    C. its     D. whose

12. The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.

A.that    B. this  C. it     D. one           (A )

13. –What’s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.  

   --______ .It must be the window-cleaner working , next door.          (D)

A.I’m not sure   B. I hope not  C.I’d rather not     D. I don’t think so       

14. You look well . The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you , I suppose.    (A )

A.agree with   B.agree to  C. agree on     D. agree about      

15.If we ___ the other road ,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.   (B)

A.take   B.had taken  C.took    D. have taken[来源:学。科。网ZXXK]

16._____ from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees .    (A )

   A.Seen    B.Seeing  C.Have seen    D. To see

17.John opened the door . There _____ he had never seen before.    (D)

   A.a girl did stand     B. a girl stood   C.did a girl stand   D. stood a girl

18.It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.  (D)

   A.which     B.what  C.that  D. if

19. His first book       next month is based on a true story.                        (B)

   A. published        B. to be published      C. to  publish      D. being published

20. John thinks it wont be long        he is ready for his new job.                 (C)

   A. when           B. after           C. before           D. since

21. I have to see the doctor because I        a lot lately.                            (A)

   A. have been coughing                   B. had coughed

   C. coughed                            D. cough

22. Studies show that people are more        to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.                                          (A)

A. likely          B. possible          C. probable          D. sure   

23. May I take this book out of the reading room?

   No,you        . You read it in here.                                         (D)

   A. mightnt        B. wont          C. needt           D. mustnt

24. It is reported that many a new house      at present in the disater area.             (D)

   A. are being built     B. were being built   C. was being built     D. is being built

25. What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?

           . But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match..       (C)

   A. Have a nice time.   B. Pardon me        C. Thats great      D. You are right

 第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

     I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

     I was on my lunch break and had 26  the office to ger something to eat . On the way, I 27 a

Busker(街头艺人)with a hat in front of him. I had some 28 in my pocker, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would 29 use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He 30 like that type-young and ragged. 31 what was I going to spend the money on ? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then 32 I had no right to place myself above 33 just because he was busking.

I  34  and dropped all the coins into his 35, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As 36 as it sounds, I expected something  more to come from that moment—a feeling of 37 or satifaction, for example. But nothing happened 38 , I walked off. It proved to be a waste of 39 ,I thought.

On my way home at the end of the 40, I saw the bus ker again and he was 41 . I watched him pick up the hat and walk 42 a cafe counter. There he poured the 43 contents into a tin collecting 44 an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity(慈善)

Now I donate any 45 I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

26.  A. left           B. cleaned            C. prepared             D.searched    (A)

27.  A. led           B. chose              C. saw                 D. fooled     (C)

28.  A. chocolates&nb

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