2011-05-01 17:59:11 来源: 作者:[标签:作者] 【 】 浏览:954次 评论:0
e death rate (using nature''s own draconian methods). Environmental problems, starvation and new and treatment-resistant diseases rank high among nature''s methods for dealing with human population problems. Many claim that Earth can support many more people. But one must ask "How many more?" At what cost in human lifestyles and aggravated environmental problems?  (2)Many claim population growth problems and environmental problems are regional, but modern society is increasingly "global" and roblems in particular region(s) must affect all others.  Are human population problems serious today? One might look at various "symptoms." Just a few examples: Thousands, mostly children, starve to death every day indifferent places around the world. Illegal immigration is a big problem for the United States. And just a few of the consequent environmental problems: Forests everywhere are "disappearing." The global unpolluted fresh water supply is in danger. Air in most big cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.  (3)Science and technology, and, yes, politics, may "handle" human population problems and environmental problems in the short term even if human population continues to grow. But what kind of world will our great-great-grandchildren inherit? (4)Eventually global population must be controlled, but the longer society waits the more draconian must be the method and the greater must be the price paid in terms of environmental problems and human lifestyles.  Is space colonization an alternative? If so, where does one go? (5)Can Earth "export" the numbers, the many millions per year, necessary to ease human population problems and environmental problems?

参考答案: 1.using o
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