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财务管理 常识判断 法律常识 管理学 会计学 货币银行学 计算机 金融学 经济学 市场营销学 逻辑判断 数学运算 数字推理 图形推理 言语理解 资料分析 病句判断 定义判断 片段阅读 选词填空 时事政治

2017-02-20 15:24:19 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【
















































































001. Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a two-year decline in sales ______.

(a) figures

(b) actions

(c) employers

(d) information


002. In the past three years, our marketing manager ______ to Europe, Australia, Brazil and Thailand.

(a) had gone
(b) has been
(c) gone
(d) went

003. ______ moving to a northern climate, be sure to properly winterize your automobile.

(a) gives

(b) given

(c) giving

(d) is giving


004. An increase in a nation's rate of savings ultimately ______ to lower interest rates for business and consumer loans.

(a) lead

(b) leads

(c) leader

(d) leading


005. We need to get ______ paperwork from him before the end of the fiscal year.

(a) him

(b) himself

(c) he

(d) his

006. Any information ______ about the revised holiday work schedule can be obtained from Ms. Zeldenrust in Human Resources.

(a) volunteered

(b) needed

(c) donated

(d) called


007. Ever since the drivers' strike started, citywide buses have been ______ running thirty minutes to one hour late.

(a) finally

(b) constantly

(c) concurrently

(d) very


008. More than 6.55 million workers are ______ in the manufacturing industry, according to government data.

(a) employed

(b) employer

(c) employing

(d) employment


009. Fair Oaks Transit trains were back on schedule Monday after a mudslide disrupted last Friday morning's ______.

(a) section

(b) commute

(c) tracking

(d) beginning


010. Sam's Steakhouse is ______ better than famous national chains with larger advertising budgets.

(a) argue

(b) arguing

(c) argument

(d) arguably


011. _____ Daily Dogs targets its advertising campaign to pet owners, it could be headed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

(a) Until

(b) Unless

(c) Whereas

(d) Except


012. Mocha Monkeys Coffee ______ very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique drinks.

(a) expands

(b) are expanding

(c) is expanding

(d) to expand


013. Notice: The meeting ______ for today has been postponed until Thursday at 4 P.M.

(a) scheduled

(b) happening

(c) important

(d) open


014. The new computer chips will ______ be delayed because the hurricane on the East Coast has disrupted air traffic.

(a) probability
(b) probably
(c) probable
(d) probe

015. We would like to thank the Elog Foundation for its generous ______ to our charity fundraiser.

(a) donor
(b) donate
(c) donated
(d) donation


016. After carefully ______ the bid packages from each vendor, we have decided to award the contract to Thomas Cullen.

(a) considered

(b) considering

(c) considerate

(d) consideration


017. Economists predict a ______ in housing prices due to the recent reduction in unemployment.

(a) development

(b) growth

(c) rise

(d) lift


018. Changes in American eating ______ over the last twenty years are blamed for a variety of health problems.

(a) meals

(b) habits

(c) dishes

(d) restaurants


019. The Holden Complex ______ has vacancies despite its high rent, inconvenient location and large annual maintenance fee.

(a) unusually

(b) rarely

(c) frequently

(d) assuredly


020. Be informed that this medication is for temporary relief of symptoms, and is not intended ______ your annual immunization shot.

(a) replaced

(b) replace

(c) to replace

(d) replacing


021. The Healthcare community was shocked ______ Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.

(a) in

(b) up

(c) of

(d) by

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117、答案B【解析】 11/1,然后前一的分子下一的分母交替出别为1491625,(36);13579,(11),故答案11/36。因此,本答案B选项

118、答案C【解析】 1)分母做差后11,22,44,(88 是公2的等比列,所以答案136+88=2242)分子公差是2的等差列,所以下一9。因此,本答案C选项

119、答案A【解析】 形:12^2+111^2-110^2+19^2-18^2+1、?,可得未知项为7^2-148。因此,本题选A

120、答案D【解析】 根据意,机抽取4杯子,要想50%的溶液,需要拿杯酒精和水,共有方法,任取4杯的方法数为种,所以,配成50%的酒精溶液的可能性,同理,要配成75%的酒精溶液需要拿出三杯酒精和一杯水,共有方法,可能性,因此可能性之比=9:8选择D选项

121、答案D【解析】 根据意可知铁丝总长16厘米,那个圆铁丝框的周长为8厘米,则圆的半径为,可知的面积为。因此,本答案D选项

122、答案A【解析】 是一简单问题,如果4%则现在的售价96元,要比原购进40件,购进100件,设这款衣服的成本a元,意可以列出方程:,可以解出a值为60,因此,本答案A选项

123、答案A【解析】 题为简单问题。解法一:因三人共有36张贺年卡,由最后三人的张数相等可得,每人最后有36÷3=12)。甲最初有x,乙最初由y,列方程得,x-5=12y+5-9=12;解得,x=17y=16。因此,本答案A选项。解法二:算甲、乙二人净给出的张数得,甲一共5,乙收到5张给9,即净给4;又因最后二人张数相同,所以原甲的年卡数应该比乙多一选项只有A项满足要求。因此,本答案A选项

124、答案D【解析】 解法一:根据意可列出方程:甲++=96,丙-=16,乙-=8,解得甲=24,乙=32,丙=40甲乙丙三人花的比是3:4:5,因此,本答案D选项

125、答案A【解析】 只有相面和相两种,本答案A选项

126、答案C【解析】 解法一:设这个16人,由意有1生年龄为13,即1人年龄为1312人年龄为12、剩下的16-12-1=3个学11;因此这个班的平均年龄为13+12×12+11×3)÷1611.875。解法二:放法。以11岁为基准,那班里生的平均要略大于3×(12-11)÷4+11=11.75,只有C符合意。因此,本

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