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2011-01-17 07:07:26 来源:91考试网 作者:www.91exam.org 【
____(extend)family lived in the same area.

参考答案: extended



10、You ______(not change) much since we met last year.

参考答案: haven''t changed

haven''t changed



参考答案: Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.

Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.



参考答案: Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.

Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.



参考答案: You wouldn''t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice.

You wouldn''t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice.



参考答案: Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.

Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.



参考答案: It is modern technology that leads us to success.

It is modern technology that leads us to success.


1、When we work—and also when we play —we use up energy. The energy may be physical or mental or a combination of the two. When our work or play is prolonged, we become tired and want to stop and rest or change to some other activity. If we do not stop, we become gradually less efficient.    If we set someone at a job and keep him at it continuously without rest, ultimately he will break down and be unable to go on. If rest intervals or changes of activity are introduced, the person will be able to work for a much longer period of time. Efficiency, then,seems to be mainly a matter of the distribution of work and rest periods. In ordinary life, we work during the day, and sleep at night, year in and year out.

参考答案: 当我们工作或娱乐时,我们会消耗能量。这种能量可能是体力的或脑历程的,也可能是两者都有。如果我们工作或娱乐的时间过长,就会感到疲劳,而且希望停下来休息或改做其它的事情。如果我们不停止,效率就会变得越来越低。  如果我们让某个人做一样工作并让他不停地干下去不让他休息,最后他就会崩溃而无法继续下去。如果在工作中加入休息或者变换活动形式,他持续工作的时间就会长得多。因此,效率看起来主要是工作和休息时间的分配问题。在平常生活中,我们白天工作,晚上休息,年年如此。

当我们工作或娱乐时,我们会消耗能量。这种能量可能是体力的或脑历程的,也可能是两者都有。如果我们工作或娱乐的时间过长,就会感到疲劳,而且希望停下来休息或改做其它的事情。如果我们不停止,效率就会变得越来越低。  如果我们让某个人做一样工作并让他不停地干下去不让他休息,最后他就会崩溃而无法继续下去。如果在工作中加入休息或者变换活动形式,他持续工作的时间就会长得多。因此,效率看起来主要是工作和休息时间的分配问题。在平常生活中,我们白天工作,晚上休息,年年如此。
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